Hong Kong International Music Festival
紮根香港的「香港國際音樂節」是一個融合古典丶流行丶中西及各類型音樂文化活動的大型音樂盛事。音樂節透過舉辦音樂營丶遊學團丶比賽丶音樂會丶大師班丶座談會及研討會等不同類型的活動,吸引海內外的音樂才俊彙聚香港,使古典丶流行和中西音樂彼此交流,從而推動本港的音樂文化和藝術發展。 2013 年,在各界的努力下,舉辦了「首屆香港國際音樂節」,活動之盛大隨即受到國際視野的青睞及高度關注。在短短的數年間, 活動參與人數由第二屆的 12,000 人次增長至第六屆的近 90,000 人次,全球超過 150 個國家及地區參與,分別有中國丶美國丶英國丶德國丶澳洲丶瑞士丶法國丶葡萄牙丶義大利丶俄羅斯丶加拿大丶日本、馬來西亞丶新加坡丶泰國丶印尼丶韓國丶澳門丶臺灣等等。
Based in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong International Music Festival (HKIMF) is an event which integrates all kinds of music, from Classical to Pop as well as Chinese and Western. Though organizing various music activities such as music camp, study tours, music competitions, master classes, seminars, etc. The HKIMF gathers music talents worldwide to the city, to encourage exchanges among musicians, and fostering local arts and cultural development in Hong Kong. In 2013, with everyone's efforts, the " The 1st HKIMF " was held, and the event was immediately welcomed and highly concerned by the international perspective. The number of contestants growing from 12,000 in the 2nd HKIMF, to nearly 90,000 in its 6th term. More than 150 countries and regions around the world participated, including China, the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, Germany, Australia, Switzerland, France, Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, Portugal, Italy, Russia, Canada, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, South Korea, Macau, Taiwan, etc.
In future, HKIMF keeps on fostering arts and cultural development both locally and abroad by actively coordinating music activities in the territory. We believe that the HKIMF is one of the major music education and exchange platforms, a place for everyone to fulfill their music dreams.