

Schoenfeld International Music Society

  • 勛菲爾德國際音樂協會(Schoenfeld International Music Society)是一個註冊於美國加利福利亞洲洛杉磯市,以公益慈善為基礎的非營利組織,並集音樂研究、教育與國際交流為一體的學術性音樂機構,致力於舉辦各種國際音樂文化藝術交流與社會公益活動,其目標旨在選拔和支持極有天賦的年輕音樂家,以豐富音樂文化的積澱,並繼續勛菲爾德所傳承的最高品質的傳統弦樂演奏風格,奉獻給姐妹倆的音樂生涯和妹妹艾倫諾的夢想體現。協會業務涵蓋音樂教育考級、大師課程、音樂比賽、教師培訓及音樂夏令營等內容。中心由享譽國際盛名的美國頂尖音樂教育藝術家愛麗絲•勛菲爾德教授親自發起創辦並擔任榮譽主席、薛蘇里先生擔任主席,由世界多位國際著名音樂家擔任顧問、評委及教授。勛菲爾德國際音樂協會同時面向專業群體與社會公眾,既推動了音樂領域的最高水準,又提升了藝術旨趣對於公眾參與的巨大魅力,使其相互促進,互為補益。協會核心品牌包括勛菲爾德國際弦樂比賽(Schoenfeld International String Competition)和勛菲爾德國際音樂節(Schoenfeld

    International Music Festival)等項目,努力帶動和引入國際先進的音樂教學理念,推動音樂青少年面向全世界的新局面。

    勛菲爾德國際音樂協會旨在推動全球音樂學子發揚光大兩位著名女音樂家的傳統教學理念,演奏藝術和崇高藝術奉獻精神。協會將宏揚創辦人勛菲爾德教授科學有效的教學方法,用國際化的教育理念和經驗去發堀培養優秀的音樂學生和提升音樂教師的整體   水平和實力。以弦樂培訓大師班課程及弦樂教學考級工作為奠基,並為4至17歲少年兒童的音樂啟蒙設製適宜課程和曲目以及先進     的培訓模式。務求使學生在系統科學的音樂理論及世界著名作曲家的名曲演奏過程中,獲得本質性的突破和飛躍,並為出國留學深   造奠定了良好的基石。



    The Schoenfeld International Music Society (SIMS), founded in Los Angeles, California in the United States, and is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization that promotes musical research, education, and international cultural exchange. The Society endeavours to foster cross- cultural musical exchange and other social activities, including educational music grading exams, master classes, music competitions, and music festivals. Internationally acclaimed American pedagogue and artist, Alice Schoenfeld, founded the SIMS and also serves as honorary chairwoman. President, Suli Xue, is joined by a team of renowned musicians serving as consultants, teachers and jury members. The SIMS operates for both professional organizations as well as the public, promoting the highest level of excellence and musical charm while stimulating sy mbiotic connections between both groups. The core activities of the Society include the Schoenfeld International String Competition and the Schoenfeld International Music Festival, which combine international pedagogic ideas to seek and promote young musical talent while facilitating exposure to the international music scene. The goal of SIMS is to enrich the culture of music by recognizing and promoting highly gifted young musicians. Launched to continue the Schoenfeld legacy of highest quality string performances, the SIMS is dedicated to both sisters’ outstanding musical careers and particularly embodies the dream of younger sister, Eleonore Schoenfeld (1926-2007).

    The SIMS seeks to propagate the Schoenfeld sisters, scientific and efficient pedagogy with international methods of education. String master classes, seminars for string teachers and music grading exams provide musical enlightenment to children from age 4 to 17, and allow the students to make essential improvement

    while benefiting from the study and performance of world famous repertoire. Additionally, the SIMS aims to assist music students by opening doors for them to further their training with study abroad.