席爾瓦曾獲不少國際性音樂比賽邀請擔任評委,如全歐小提琴才藝大賽、勛菲爾德國際弦樂比賽、香港國際音樂節等等。紮根葡國,也踏足世界各地演出,如澳州、西班牙、法國、德國、意大利、瑞士、日本、荷蘭、比利時、羅馬尼亞、馬爾他等,更活躍於中港各地音樂會演出、為中國、香港、澳門等指揮當地樂團演出。席氏曾德國等地為電台及電視台灌錄多張唱片。他成立的Lusitanae Ensemble樂隊灌錄Fado Revisitado唱片,也曾與香港國際音樂節鋼琴評委 瑪麗安.柏夫卡 教授 (Marian Pivka) 於2016及2019年,分別在香港及維也納發行小提琴及鋼琴唱片。
席爾瓦現考獲音樂專修文憑,並是葡萄牙埃武拉大學 (Évora University, Portugal) 博士研究生,主修音樂學及演奏。他曾修讀多個範疇的音樂碩士,如演奏、樂器教學指揮等。席氏曾在葡萄牙、澳洲及中國為多間音樂學院任教大師班,也是葡萄牙波多樂團的客席指揮。除教學外,也受不少知名樂器品牌如SIR等支持。
Eliseu Antunes Pereira Gomes da Silva, is an International violinist, Conductor and Professor, Festival Director and Phd Researcher.
Eliseu has been invited to integrate the Jury of many international violin competitions such as Talents for Europe International Violin Competition, International Competition Santa Cecília, Alice and Eleonore Schoenfeld International Violin Competition, Hong Kong International Competition among others.
Prize winner of many national and international violin competitions. Made many concerts in countries such as Australia, Spain, France, Germany, Italy, Switzerland Japan, Netherlands, Belgium, Romania, Malta, China, Hong Kong, among others.
He has recorded for Deutsch Gramophone, Munich Regroup, among recordings for Radio and Television. The ensemble he has been a co-founder called Lusitanae Ensemble has a CD called Fado Revisitado, and the Duo with his pianist Marian Pivka has two more CD’s, one released in Hong Kong in 2016 and the other in Vienna in 2019.
Currently, obtained the High Specialist Diploma and he’s a PhD student at the Évora University in Musicology, Performance and Interpretation.
He played as Soloist with many orchestras and with many international conductors, such as Ernst Schelle, Colin Touchin, Julius Micalcsky, Anne Wirtsbursch, Antonio Saiote, Cesário Costa. He was invited by professor Uwe-Martin Heiberg, member of Brahms String quartet, to be part of his class at Hochscule Fur Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin.
Studied with emblematic professors rooted in the most well known schools of violin such as Doctor Max Rabinovich former student of Efrehm Zimbalist one of the most emblematic pupils of Leopold Auer; soloist Valentin Stefanov, student of Yehudi Menuhin and Henrik Szering; Portuguese soloist Gerardo Ribeiro pupil of Ivan Galamian, and russian Soloist Sergey Kravchenko disciple of Leonid Kogan.
Finished all the cicles of studies with the heighest classification, having received for that many condecorations and grants.
He did a post-graduation in Performance and finished a Master in Pedagogy and one other Master in Instrumental Teaching and conducting at the same University. Has supervised several Masterclasses in several schools and universities in Portugal, Australia and China. He is the resident conductor of the Oporto Orchestra of Bonjóia from the Oporto City Council involving the private Conservatory of Silva Monteiro, the Ministry of Education and two corporations (BPI and Bial).
He has conducted some orchestras in China, Hong Kong, Macau, and Portugal.
Eliseu taught for 5 years at Oporto Music University of Arts and teaches at Curso de Musica Silva Monteiro in Porto. Eliseu Silva is supported by some brands such as D’Addario strings, SIR violins, and Saroni suits. Plays in a Cremonese violin from Gio Batta Morassi founder of the Italian makers association.