


作為一位鋼琴家,瑪麗安經常與不同的管弦樂團合作演出,當中包括布拉格交響樂團,布達佩斯樂交響樂團, 切爾滕納姆交響樂團,伯拉第斯拉瓦交響樂團,貝爾格萊德交響樂團等。瑪麗安師從Vera Gornostayeva教授,並於1983年以優異的成績獲得莫斯科音樂學院優秀成績。畢業後,他在布拉迪斯拉發學院教授鋼琴,並應邀成為2003及2007年科希策國際鋼琴比賽的評委。現今居住在葡萄牙,在波爾圖音樂學院工作,並與小提琴家伊利沙.席爾瓦 (Eliseu Silva) 共同參與二重奏Paris Deuxbut,於世界各地進行演出。


Marian Pivka is a teacher and a pianist born in Slavonic-hungry. Prize-winner of many International Piano Competitions such as in Belgrade (1983), in Usti n Labem (1972), Czech Republic and in National piano competitions like Smetana Competition in first prize (1974), Beethoven competition third prize (1973). He gave recitals in countries such as Portugal, France, Germany, Italy, Hungary, England, Japan, Bulgaria, Romania, the former Yugoslavia and Soviet Union.

As soloist Pivka played with many orchestras as Prague Symphony Orchestra FOK, Budapest Symphony Orchestra, Cheltenham Symphony Orchestra, Bratislava Symphony Orchestra, Belgrade Symphony Orchestra, Symphony Orchestra of Artave.  He studied with well know professor Vera Gornostayeva in Tchaikovsky State Conservatory in Moscow and finished with the highest classification with distinction in 1983.

After graduation of his study in Moscow, he taught piano at Bratislava Academy of Music Arts, adjudicated in the international piano competition in Kosice/EMCY/Slovakia. In 2003 and 2007 he recorded his CD Solo, and a CD with the Slovak Philharmonic Orchestra in Bratislava (Chopin concerto no. 2 in F minor). Marian Pivka now lives in Portugal where he works at the Oporto University of Music and plays with violinist Eliseu Silva in a duo named ‘Paris Deuxbut’.