薩頓博士在洛杉磯評審及社區工作經驗豐富,與當地不少合唱團合作,也跟美籍華人合唱團關係密切,使他成為洛杉磯華人合唱音樂節的創會指揮。他以特邀合唱團音樂家身份,與洛杉磯愛樂樂團在好萊塢露天劇場合演《中華之夜》專場音樂會 (An Evening of Chinese Splendor),與多名華人音樂家合作,如宋祖英、王力宏、陳瑞斌及指揮家蘇柏軒等。
薩頓博士擁有聖何塞州立大學和洛杉磯加州大學的研究生學位,師從多位頂尖合唱團指揮。除了Charlene Archibeque博士和Donald Neuen教授,薩頓博士曾跟不少大師學習演藝,如Robert Shaw、Helmuth Rilling、Eric Ericson、Weston Noble、Frank Pooler、Howard Swan、Paul Salamunovich、Anton Armstrong等。
約翰.薩頓是阿祖薩太平洋大學 (Azusa Pacific University) 音樂與藝術學院教授,也是該校合唱活動主管,領導合唱指揮研究生課程。此外,2010年以來,薩頓博士一直擔任大洛杉磯地區專業級合唱團「洛杉磯合唱團」 (Angeles Chorale) 藝術總監。2019年獲邀擔任2019年香港國際音樂節評委。
John Sutton’s professional choral career spans over four decades of conducting in the community, church, academic, and professional settings. From major choral and instrumental works, concert and chamber choirs, to music for television and movies, John is recognized for his ability to work with children, youth, adults, and amateurs and professionals alike. Today he is one of the most active professional conductors in the U.S., conducting over 300 singers and orchestra members weekly.
Dr. Sutton is known for his work in diverse populations, having adjudicated and worked with the many choral communities in Los Angeles. His work with Chinese-American choirs led him to be the founding conductor of the Chinese Sacred Choral Festival in Los Angeles, and he was the featured Choir-Master in preparing the Angeles Chorale for their performance with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra in An Evening of Chinese Splendor at the Hollywood Bowl, where he collaborated with Chinese musical artists: Song Zuying, Wang Leehom, Rueibin Chen, and conductor Perry So.
Holding graduate degrees from San José State University and the University of California at Los Angeles, Dr. Sutton has studied with some of the most distinguished conductors in the field of choral music. In addition to his mentoring, Dr. Charlene Archibeque and Professor Donald Neuen, John’s training includes studies and performances with Robert Shaw, Helmuth Rilling, Eric Ericson, Weston Noble, Frank Pooler, Howard Swan, Paul Salamunovich, Anton Armstrong, and others.
He has performed extensively throughout the United States and abroad in choral concert tours and recording projects which include performances at the Kennedy Center, Lincoln Center, and Constitution Hall, as well as international concert tours throughout Canada, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Argentina, and South Korea. In 2012, John was the Chorus Master for performances at the Brittania Music festival in Birmingham and London, England. Dr. Sutton’s choral artistry can be heard on weekly television series, and national ad campaigns for major motion pictures such as the Harry Potter series, the Spider Man series, The Divinci Code, Fantastic Four, and countless others. In 2005, he began his association as Music Director/Conductor for the Los Angeles Philharmonic’s annual Christmas Holiday Sing-a-Long.
John is a Professor at Azusa Pacific University (APU) in the College of Music and the Arts (CMA), where he serves as the Director of Choral Activities and gives leadership to the graduate program in Choral Conducting. In addition, since 2010, Dr. Sutton has served as the Artistic Director of the Angeles Chorale, a professional-level choral ensemble in the Greater Los Angeles Area. He was invited to serve as a judge for the 2019 Hong Kong International Music Festival.