



他的職業生涯中,曾在5個聲樂比賽中獲得一等獎,其中包括大都會歌劇地區試演、卡默爾大獎和1989年裏約熱內盧Concurso Internacional de Canto决賽。除了歌劇表演,他還參加過廣播、電視和亞洲、美洲和歐洲的主要演出場所的音樂會。同樣,他與許多電影、電視和世界主要歌劇院的表演者一起演出。1983年,他以優異的歌劇成績畢業於世界著名的霍奇舒勒.富爾.穆西克學校,現在是維也納大學的一部分。他還擁有加利福尼亞大學的聲樂表演碩士學位和約翰霍普金斯大學皮博迪研究所的聲樂表演博士學位。

自2000年創立音樂戲劇學院以來,戴志誠一直擔任總經理。他曾於1990年代在皮博迪學院(Peabody Institute)擔任香港表演藝術學院高級講師和聲樂講師。80年代,他曾在韋恩州立大學(Wayne State University)擔任聲樂研究主任兼音樂教授、密歇根歌劇院(Michigan Opera Theatre)和聖巴巴拉(Santa Barbara)擔任舞台總監等職務,也在德國奧伯豪森劇院擔任獨唱。



Asia’s leading operatic bass and vocal coach for the past 25 years provides a unique combination of professional expertise of voice, drama, and motivational psychology for corporate clients. Based in Hong Kong, he is frequently a welcome guest at corporate and international events and with performance organizations worldwide.

He has performed 60 opera roles on stage in Europe, America, and Asia, including many leading bass roles. He has also performed the role of Tevye in Fiddler to thunderous acclaim of Hong Kong audiences. Dr. Anthony has appeared in numerous radio and television programs, including CNN, and in concerts as a soloist and as an expert on vocal performance issues.

During his career he has been the first prize winner of 5 vocal competitions, including The Metropolitan Opera Regional Auditions, The Carmel Grand Prize, and Finalist in Concurso Internacional de Canto in Rio de Janeiro in 1989. Besides opera performances, he has done concerts in Radio, TV, and major venues in Asia, America, and Europe. He has performed with a number of performers from film, television, and the world’s major opera houses.

In 1983 he graduated with distinction in opera performance from the world famous Hochschule fuer Musik, now part of The University of Vienna. He also holds a Master’s Degree from The University of California, and a Doctorate Degree from The Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University, both in Vocal Performance.

Since year 2000, when Dr. Anthony founded The Music & Drama Institute, he has served as its Managing director. He was senior lecturer of The HK Academy for Performing Arts and Vocal Instructor at The Peabody Institute during the 1990s. During the 80s he served as Director of Vocal Studies & Professor of Music at Wayne State University, Stage Director at Michigan Opera Theatre and in Santa Barbara, and as Soloist at Theater Oberhausen, Germany.

Dr. Anthony is Vice-Chairman of The Norwegian Chamber of Commerce, Vice-President of The Johns Hopkins Club, and a Member of the Advisory Board of the Richard Ivey School of Business in Asia. He has also served as external assessor for The HK Arts Development Council, and as music critic for The South China Morning Post.