安娜 ‧ 菲洛梅娜‧ 席爾瓦


安娜‧ 菲洛梅娜‧ 席爾瓦是葡萄牙大提琴家。曾榮獲威廉敏娜‧ 蘇吉亞國際大提琴比賽第一名,並獲得使用大提琴演奏家威廉敏娜‧ 蘇吉亞當年所使用那把著名蒙塔尼亞納大提琴的機會。同年,獲得了波爾圖音樂學院弦樂比賽第一名。

2008 年,她以第一名的成績考入音樂和表演藝術學院(ESMAE),師從著名大提琴家傑德‧ 博利哈。同年,榮獲波爾圖音樂學院弦樂比賽第一名。 安娜長期擔任波爾圖管弦樂團和ESMAE室內樂團和比拉斯管弦樂隊的大提琴演奏家,她曾與眾多著名指揮家合作演出,如安德烈‧ 馬丁、安東尼奧‧ 沙尤蒂、尼古拉斯‧ 柯特及尤裡‧ 納蘇斯基等。她曾經拜師於羅曼‧ 加裡尤德和斯特凡‧ 波波夫等世界著名大提琴演奏家,並與其合作演出。在此期間,安娜獲得了柴可夫斯基國際比賽獎項及莫斯科音樂學院的比賽金獎。



Ana Filomena Silva was born in Porto, Portugal. First Prize winner of Guilhermina Suggia Competition which allowed her to play with the well-known Montagnana Cello, belonged to the Cellist Guilhermina Suggia (Pablo Casals wife). Also first and third prize winner of others Strings Competitions in Portugal. Ana Silva was, recently, a jury member of “Alice & Eleonore Schoenfeld International String Competition 2014” in Harbin, China. She began her musical studies at age of six years old under the guidance of first cello soloist of Casa da Música Symphony Orchestra.

In 2008 she entered in School of Music and Performing Arts (ESMAE) in first place of Jed Barahal cello class, where she finished her Licenciatura with high distinction. Soon after she obtained Master Degree in Music Pedagogy in Aveiro University.

During her career she made recitals in renowned concert halls in Portugal, such as Casa da Música, Centro Cultural de Belém (CCB), Casa das Artes and also in many Theaters and Auditoriums. Also, she worked with various internacional cellists such

as Stefan Popov, Romain Garioud (both prize winners of International Tchaikovsky Competition in Moscow), Aaron Choi, Ilia Yourevich Laporev, Paulo Gaio Lima, Alexander Znachonak and others.

Ana Silva was already a member of many portuguese orchestras and worked with conductors including Martin André, Ernst Schelle, António Saiote, Vytautas Lucocius, Nikolas Kok, among several others.

Nowadays she is cello teacher in Silva Monteiro Music School and plays regularly chamber music in Lusitanae Ensemble CMSM/CMP with whom she released recently an album and has playing all over Portugal and Spain. Ana Silva is still improving artistically attending Cello Course Specialization, in Paris.