

Azusa Pacific University

  • 坐落於南加州的阿蘇薩太平洋大學音樂學院是一個以基督教信仰為根基的創新 型藝術社區,致力於培養學生成為優秀的音樂專業人才。毗鄰洛杉磯的優越地理位置,也為在校學生提供了豐富的學習世界級音樂文化的機會。學校所擁有的大量的受人敬重的師資主要是來自洛杉磯愛樂樂團演奏家、洛杉磯歌劇院的音樂家以及好  萊塢電影製片廠的藝術家等。音樂學院也擁有著眾多蜚聲海內外的聲樂團體和器樂樂隊。


    音樂學院提供多個本科音樂專業,音樂學士學位(B.M)的專業包括:商業音  樂、作曲、音樂教育(教師證教前認證),音樂和敬拜,以及音樂表演。此外,還 提供以文科為重點課程的學士學位(B.A)專業包括:音樂理論和音樂表演。在研究生階段,音樂學院提供音樂碩士(M.M.)學位專案,專業覆蓋:作 曲、指揮、音樂教育和音樂表演,以及音樂創企業碩士(M.A.)學位項目。

    此外,藝術家文憑項目是專為高階的、專注於獨奏、室內樂演奏和大型樂團經 驗等領域的音樂學生設計的專業學位課程項目,該項目無需正式的課堂作業。



    The School of Music at Azusa Pacific University in Southern California is an innovative arts community, grounded in the Christian faith, and is dedicated to preparing students to excel as talented music professionals. Close proximity to Los Angeles provides students abundant learning opportunities in a world-class music culture. Our esteemed faculty includes members of the Los Angeles Philharmonic, Los Angeles Opera, and the Hollywood movie studios. The School of Music is home to numerous renowned vocal and instrumental music ensembles.


    The school offers a number of undergraduate music majors, including Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degrees in Commercial Music, Composition, Music Education (Pre-Teacher Certification), Music and Worship, and Performance. Programs focusing on the liberal arts are also available, including Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) in Music degrees with Music Theory and Performance emphases. At the graduate level, the school offers Master of Music (M.M.) programs in Composition, Conducting, Music Education, and Performance, and a Master of Arts (M.A.) in Music Entrepreneurship.

    The Artist Certificate program is a specialized degree program designed for the advanced music student who wishes to concentrate on solo, chamber, and large ensemble experiences with no formal class work.