Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy
成立於1853年的利沃夫國立音樂學院(利先科音樂學院)是歐洲最早的高級音樂教育機構之一。追溯到19世紀,在利沃夫有眾多的音樂教學機構,1848年由弗蘭茲•夏佛• 莫扎特(莫扎特的兒子)聯合各個音樂機構統一教學,這就為以後成立音樂學院打下了基礎。
1853年12月4日奧地利教育部承認了該學院的地位。學校的第一任和第二任院長都是肖邦的學生擔任。1903年將利沃夫高級音樂學院更名為利先科音樂學院。於1947年在美國分校成立,它的首腦機構由Roman Savytsky和20-30名畢業生和教授組成。 Mykola Kolessa教授擔任了1953-1956年間的校長,他是烏克蘭民族榮耀英雄、烏克蘭國家藝術家。學院畢業生的專業水平在國內和國際受到高度認可,並在日本、美國、加拿大、西班牙、意大利、法國、德國、波蘭、匈牙利、捷克和斯洛伐克等多個國家工作。
The Mykola Lysenko Lviv National Music Academy is the successor of the rich artistic, educational and scientific traditions of the Conservatory of Galician Music Society, the Mykola Lysenko Higher Musical Institute, The Karol Szymanowski Conservatory and the Faculty of Musicology of Lviv University. The Academy, which arose as a result of renaming and combining these institutions is the oldest higher musical school in Ukraine and one of the oldest among such institutions in Eastern and Central Europe. System of higher music education in Galicia, from its beginning until the mid-twentieth century, has always been incorporated in the process of evolution of the higher music education in Europe. However, after 1939, for many decades, Ukrainian system of higher musical education was completely separated from the natural processes of music education in Europe.