席文.格迪羅斯教授自1996年以來擔任美國德州基督教大學(TCU)管弦樂團主任和管弦樂研究教 授、TCU拉丁美洲音樂中心,以及兩年一度舉辦的拉丁美洲音樂節總監。2000年起,他還擔任大沃斯 堡青年管弦樂團(YOGFW)的音樂總監。 格迪羅斯博士是美洲,歐洲,中東,亞洲,非洲和大洋洲專業管弦樂隊的客席指揮。他與香港室 內樂團合作錄製了一張唱片,由Daniel Binelli和Polly Ferman獨奏。他近期獲邀合作的樂團包括上海 音樂學院交響樂團、西班牙AlcaládeHenares交響樂團、黎巴嫩國家愛樂樂團,哥倫比亞波哥大的 OrquestaFilarmónica、秘魯國家交響樂團、中國湖北國家交響樂團、南非自由州交響樂團。2011年,格 氏領導的TCU交響樂團憑“Cantar Latinoamericano”與Opus Cuatro”唱片專輯,獲頒Carlos Gardel音 樂獎,帶挈樂團於2013年5月在阿根廷布宜諾斯艾利斯和羅薩里奧演出。席文.格迪羅斯連續12年擔任 達拉斯交響樂團西班牙裔節日的客席指揮。近期受邀為美國伊利諾伊州州立大學2018年度畢業演講, 載列ISU榮譽名單。 在他領導下,TCU交響樂團和YOGFW青年管弦樂團在美國及海外取得非凡認可。兩團參與無數國際 巡演,贏得熱烈迴響,更受不少知名樂團多次特邀演出,如波多黎各的伊比利亞美洲音樂節,以及聖 安東尼奧的德克薩斯音樂教育者協會大會。席文.格迪羅斯與TCU交響樂團還舉辦了四十多部當代作 品的全球首演。2017年,他帶領YOGFW參加歐洲巡迴演出,其中包括在薩爾茨堡的Mozarteum,奧地 利艾森施塔特的Esterházy Palace以及布拉格的一場音樂會上的表演。 席文.格迪羅斯擁哥倫比亞Tolima音樂學院的MúsicoBachiller和MaestroenMúsica學位。他其後取得伊 利諾伊州立大學碩士學位和北科羅拉多大學的博士學歷。藉TCU的奉獻,席文.格迪羅斯獲頒了該校 的院長教學獎、院長研究和創作活動獎,以及2003年獲該校最高獎項 – 傑出研究和創意活動獎。
Professor Germán Augusto Gutiérrez has served as Director of Orchestras and Professor of Orchestral Studies at Fort Worth’s Texas Christian University (TCU) as well as Director of TCU’s Latin American Music Center and biennial Latin American Music Festival since 1996. Since 2000, Dr. Gutiérrez has also served as Music Director of the Youth Orchestra of Greater Fort Worth (YOGFW).
Dr. Gutiérrez is a frequent guest conductor of professional orchestras in the Americas, Europe, Middle East, Asia, Africa and Oceania. He recorded a CD with the Hong Kong Chamber Orchestra with Daniel Binelli and Polly Ferman as soloists. Recent invitations include the Shanghai Conservatory Symphony, Alcalá de Henares Symphony Orchestra, in Spain; the Lebanon National Philharmonic, the Orquesta Filarmónica of Bogotá, Colombia, the Perú National Symphony, the Hu Bei State Symphony of China, the Free State Symphony Orchestra of South Africa. In 2011, the TCU Symphony Orchestra was awarded the Carlos Gardel Musical Prize for its CD “Cantar Latinoamericano” with Opus Cuatro as soloists. This award led to an invitation for the orchestra to perform in May, 2013 in Buenos Aires and Rosario. For twelfth consecutive year Dr. Gutiérrez served as guest conductor of the Dallas Symphony’s Hispanic Festival. Most recently, Maestro Gutiérrez was invited to be the commencement speaker for the class of 2018 at Illinois State University, and was honored with an induction in the ISU Hall of Fame.
Under his baton, the TCU Symphony and the YOGFW have achieved exceptional levels of recognition in Fort Worth and abroad. Both groups have traveled on numerous international tours, obtaining enthusiastic reviews, including repeat invitations as the featured orchestra to engagements such as the Iberoamerican Music Festival in Puerto Rico, and the Texas Music Educators Association Convention in San Antonio. With the TCU Symphony, Maestro Gutiérrez has also conducted the world premieres of more than forty contemporary works. In 2017, Maestro Gutiérrez led the YOGFW on a tour of Europe that included performances at Salzburg’s Mozarteum, Eisenstadt’s Esterházy Palace in Austria, and a concert in Prague.
Maestro Gutiérrez holds Músico Bachiller and Maestro en Música degrees from the Tolima Conservatory in Colombia. He also received a master’s degree from Illinois State University and a doctoral degree from the University of Northern Colorado. For his involvement and dedication to TCU, Maestro Gutiérrez received the Dean's Teaching Award, the Dean's Award for Research and Creative Activity, and the 2003 Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Research and Creative Activity, the highest award that the university bestows.