

美國指揮家 克裡斯托弗·羅塞爾 (Christopher Russell) 被《洛杉磯時報》譽為——“一位具有超強技術,又極富戲劇性表現力的指揮家。”羅塞爾現任南加州阿蘇薩太平洋大學(Azusa Pacific University,簡稱APU)音樂學院副教授、音樂表演藝術系主任,同時也是享譽國際的APU交響樂團指揮兼音樂總監。羅塞爾的指揮學生成果遍布海外,他們已經成功地指揮了了美國,加拿大,巴西以及中國的樂團。有的學生在攻讀博士學位,並入選了世界知名的指揮比賽。


羅塞爾先生也是洛杉磯愛樂樂團駐華特·迪士尼音樂廳(Walt Disney Concert Hall)特聘的定期音樂會前導賞講師。


Conductor CHRISTOPHER RUSSELL has been called “a forcefully dramatic conductor with a strong technique” by the Los Angeles Times.  Russell serves as Associate Professor and Chair of the Music Performance department at Azusa Pacific University (APU) in Southern California and conducts their internationally-recognized Symphony Orchestra.  He is head of the graduate Orchestral Conducting program. His students have successfully gone on to lead orchestras in the US, Canada, Brazil, and China. Some have entered doctoral programs and been selected for prestigious conducting competitions.


Russell has conducted throughout the United States and many foreign countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, China, the Czech Republic, England, Russia, and Slovakia. Prestigious concert halls he has conducted in include Carnegie Hall, the Sydney Opera House, London’s Central Hall and the Glass Hall of Vienna’s Musikverein. Russell’s musical projects in China have been in Beijing, Dalian, Harbin, Hong Kong, Qingdao, and Zhengzhou. In 2019, Russell guest conducted the Harbin Symphony Orchestra with soloist Suli Xue.


Russell is also a regular pre-concert lecturer for the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra at Walt Disney Concert Hall.