生於印尼雅加達, 楊圭斌博士曾獲得紐約曼哈頓音樂學院全學歷獎學金,1976年於該學院完成音樂學士課程,1978年成為碩士, 1979年亦獲得音樂教育學碩士銜。1981年更晉升一層,取得音樂藝術博士頭銜, 如上所述成為印尼音樂演奏藝術領域的第一位音樂藝術博士. 她曾以各人獨奏會, 交響音樂會的獨奏者以及同各類組合的室內樂在美國和遠東地區頻繁地上台演奏。楊圭斌博士在國際傑出女強人名榜中(Who's Who), 亞洲女強人中和印度尼西亞傑出華人圈子裡都榜上有名. 她也獲得評分極高的商企管理學碩士的名銜. 她也獲得了著名的哈羅德鮑爾獎(Harold Bauer Award), 在許多國際鋼琴比賽中獲獎, 其中一項讓她在薩爾茨堡莫扎特學院(Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria) 深造。
楊博士是印度尼西亞古典音樂教育先驅者,雅加達音樂基金會(成立於1983年) 的創始人, 隨後在1985年, 雅加達音樂朋友圈(Camerata di Musica Jakarta), 一個室內樂協會,其任務是通過印度尼西亞和國外各地專業音樂家的合作, 提升古典音樂欣賞. 雅加達音樂學院附中(SMKM-YMJ),為第十至十二年級的學生提供音樂教育;和印度尼西亞高等教育國際音樂學院(STIKMI),是印度尼西亞的第一所高等教育音樂學院,為大學級音樂學院提供訓練, 為年輕音樂家們的表演事業提供裝備。今天印度尼西亞高等教育國際音樂學院,在楊博士的領導下,不斷努力營造創新理念,進一步促進和培育印度尼西亞古典音樂的教育和欣賞。
2003年,楊博士被任命為印度尼西亞Gita Bahana Nusantara青年管弦樂團和合唱團的音樂總監。翌年,她開始成立一個國家級管弦樂團,印度尼西亞國家交響樂團(Orkes Simfoni Nasional Indonesia) , 為年輕音樂家提供一個合作優質樂團的平台,並成為民族的驕傲。
楊圭斌博士現任印度尼西亞高等教育國際音樂學院院長,仍然活躍於樂壇和教琴領域,舉辦歷屆的大師級進修班,也經常是國際上各國鋼琴賽事的評委。 2014年初,印度尼西亞客屬博物館確認卓越鋼琴家楊女士對印尼音樂,藝術和文化的貢獻,把她的成就和貢獻記錄入常年的展覽室裡。楊博士的演奏也輯錄於其「國際傑出女強人名榜」唱片。
Born in Jakarta, Indonesia, Dr. Yeo was awarded a full scholarship from Manhattan School of Music, New York where she received her Bachelor of Music (1976), Master of Music (1978), Master of Music Education (1979), and Doctor of Musical Arts (1981) degrees and became the first Indonesian to receive a Doctor of Musical Arts degree in piano performance. Dr. Yeo was a grantee of the John D. Rockefeller 3rd Fund/Asian Cultural Council and the Helena Rubinstein Foundation for many years. She has received, among others, the prestigious Harold Bauer Award, prizes in numerous international piano competitions, one of which enabled her to study at the Mozarteum, Salzburg. Dr. Yeo is listed in the International Women Who’s Who, Asian Who’s Who, Prominent Indonesian Chinese, and many others for her distinguished accomplishments. She also received a Master of Business Administration degree from IEU with highest distinction. She also won the prestigious Harold Bauer Award and won awards at many international piano competitions, one of which allowed her to study at Mozarteum, Salzburg (Austria).
Dr. Yeo is the founder and director of the Yayasan Musik Jakarta Music School (founded in 1983) and subsequently in 1985, Camerata di Musica Jakarta, a chamber music society with a mission to heighten classical music appreciation through performances by professional musicians throughout Indonesia. Under Yayasan Musik Jakarta, Dr. Yeo established Sekolah Musik Jakarta (SMJ) (The Jakarta Music School), a pioneer institution in classical music education in Indonesia, training students from as early as age three; Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Musik - Yayasan Musik Jakarta (SMKM-YMJ) (YMJ High School of Music), a formal education institution at the secondary level providing music education for students between grades ten through twelve; and Sekolah Tinggi Internasional Konservatori Musik Indonesia (STIKMI) (The International Music Conservatory of Indonesia), the first tertiary music conservatory in Indonesia to provide college-level music conservatory training to equip and prime young musicians towards a performing career. Today, Yayasan Musik Jakarta, under the leadership of Dr. Yeo, continually strives to breed innovative ideas to further promote and nurture the education and appreciation of classical music across Indonesia.
In 2003, Dr. Yeo was appointed as Music Director of Indonesia’s Youth Orchestra and Choir, Gita Bahana Nusantara. In the following year, she initiated the founding of a national orchestra, Orkes Simfoni Nasional Indonesia (the National Symphony Orchestra of Indonesia) to provide a platform for young musicians to produce a quality orchestra and to be a national pride.
Today, Dr. Yeo serves as President of Sekolah Tinggi Internasional Konservatori Musik Indonesia (STIKMI) (The International Music Conservatory of Indonesia) and leads an active concert pianist and teaching career, giving regular masterclasses and lecture recitals as well as serving as juror in international competitions around the world. In early 2014, the Indonesian Hakka Museum recognized Dr. Yeo as a prominent pianist and contributing figure to the field of music, art, and culture of Indonesia and dedicated her story as part of their permanent collection. Dr. Yeo’s playing can be heard on CD. (Who’s Who)
Dr. Yeo has been a jury for the Hong Kong International Music Festival for three terms (2016, 2017, 2018)