日本出生的上野淳子(Junko Ueno Garrett)從三歲開始學琴,師從三浦浩教授(Hiroshi Miura) 門下。其後在John Perry 教授的指導下,於美國萊斯大學音樂學院取得音樂博士學位。由於她促進各國之間的交流和溝通貢獻良多,獲授予「日本領事優秀獎」。
上野淳子現任加州職業音樂教授協會大帕薩迪那分會主席,並屢次為南加州青少年巴赫音樂節,西南青年音樂節等擔任評審員。 此外,她在洛杉磯西方學院(Occidental College)擔任音樂教授。先後發行了三張個人大碟。2017年及2018年8月來港為香港國際音樂節總決賽評審,並指導大師班。2018年2月,為本港首屆「一帶一路國際才藝展演」的評委。
Japan-born Junko Ueno Garrett began playing piano at the age of three, trained at the prestigious Toho Gakuen School of Music in Tokyo studying under Professor Hiroshi Miura, and received a Doctor of Musical Arts Degree from Rice University’s Shepherd School of Music studying under Professor John Perry in the United States. Junko received “The Japanese Consul General’s Award” for her contributions to international relations and understanding between countries.
Junko dedicated herself in cultural exchanges across the globe. Under the culture exchange program of the Japan Foundation, Japanese Embassies and Consulate Generals of Japan she toured South and Central America in 2010, 2008, 2006, 2002, and 1999, In the summers of 2009 and 2007, at the invitation of the U.S. State Department, Junko toured in Japan as part of the Belrose Duo, performing and lecturing on American music in various cities in Japan. Other activities include concert tours to India in 2004 and 2005 introducing Western Music to Indian audiences. She often gives masterclasses where she performs. She was chosen to tour to celebrate the 150 years of Us-Japan relationship and the 125 years of Brazil-Japan relationship.
She is a president of Greater Pasadena Chapter of California Association of Professional Music Teachers/MTNA and a frequent adjudicator for MTNA, CAPMT, MTAC, Southern California Junior Bach Festival, and Southwestern Youth Music Festival. She is a program coordinator of 3rd@1st concert series in Los Angeles. Junko holds a faculty position at Occidental College and has released 3 solo CDs. She is a Kawai artist and lives in Los Angeles. Junko is a passionate Sumo advocate and recently found the Los Angeles Sumo Fan Club. She adjudicates for the 4th (2017) and 5th (2018) Hong Kong International Music Festival as well as teaching Master class. In February 2018 Dr. Junko was also a jury for the First ‘Belt and Road International Talent Show 2018’.