

從1990年起,艾文.舒曼醫生擔任洛杉磯醫生交響樂團藝術總監和指揮至今,亦為美國青年音樂家基金會 (YMF) 音樂諮詢委員會主席,常為該團的比賽及奬學金申請評審。

早期音樂生涯,他曾任洛杉磯愛樂樂團的雙簧管演奏家,並任該團的隨團醫生多年, 隨 Erich Leinsdorf 遊墨西哥、與 Carlo Maria Giuliani 遊歷日本和韓國、和 Zubin Mehta 遊歷了歐洲。在 Aspen 學習期間,舒曼醫生曾接受Wolfgang Vacano, Gordon Hardy 及 Darius Milhaud的指導。2008年,他在加州州立大學長堤分校獲得管弦樂團指揮碩士學位文憑, 榮獲傑出畢業論文奬,並成為該校音樂系的教員。

他作為洛杉磯醫生交響樂團的音樂總監,不但經常指揮該團在洛杉磯演出,更領該團到Santa Barbara, Santa Fe 和 New Mexico 等地表演。1994年他帶領該團和加州大學舊金山分校 (UCSF) 管弦樂團在舊金山聯合演奏馬勒第六交響曲深受好評。他曾在下列樂團擔任客座指揮:托倫斯 Beach Cities 交響樂團、Santa Barbara 西海岸交響樂團、Brentwood-Westwood 交響樂團、Topanga 愛樂交響樂團、West Hollywood 管弦樂團、位於 Halifax 的Dalhousie大學合唱團、阿拉斯加的 Nova Scotia 和 Kenai Peninsula 管弦樂團、CAIS 榮譽弦樂團, Santa Monica 交響樂團 以及青年音樂家基金會Debut管弦樂團。他曾任 South Coast Reading 樂團指揮,在 Santa Barbara 演出四個樂季。他曾指揮洛杉磯醫生交響樂團及Nevada State Opera 演出了《唐.喬凡尼》 和《卡門 》歌劇。2001年在保加利亞,他指揮Pleven 愛樂樂團完成了他的首度歐洲演出。2011至2013年,他擔任了新墨西哥州 Los Alamos 交響樂團的音樂總監。

舒曼醫生是青年音樂家基金會音樂諮詢委員會的主席,並經常擔任該基金會,以及Westside音樂基金會 和 加州音樂教師協會 舉辦的音樂比賽和奬學金的評審。2012年,他隨同Debut 管弦樂團深入中國旅行演出。他在南加州永久醫療集團任職多年的同時,也曾多次去非洲、拉丁美洲、大洋洲、非律賓、蒙古、尼泊爾等地參與巡迴外科手術醫療服務。目前他在加州大學洛杉磯分校 (UCLA) 的David Geffen 醫學院擔任外科臨床助理教授,熱衷於培養新一代的醫生。


Ivan Shulman is the Music Director and Conductor of the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra, a position he has held since 1990. 

Earlier in his career, he played oboe with the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra and for several years he served as tour physician for the Philharmonic, traveling with Erich Leinsdorf to Mexico, with Carlo Maria Giulini to Japan and Korea, and with Zubin Mehta to Europe.  As a student he studied in Aspen with Wolfgang Vacano, Gordon Hardy and Darius Milhaud. He received a master’s degree in orchestral conducting from California State University, Long Beach in 2008, for which he received the Outstanding Graduate Thesis award and where he has been on the music faculty.

As Music Director of the Doctors Symphony, he has conducted the orchestra in Los Angeles, as well as Santa Barbara and Santa Fe, New Mexico. In 1994, he led the combined forces of the Los Angeles Doctors Symphony and the University of California at San Francisco Orchestra in a highly acclaimed performance of the Mahler Sixth Symphony in San Francisco. He has also appeared as guest conductor in California with the Beach Cities Symphony in Torrance, the West Coast Symphony in Santa Barbara, the Brentwood-Westwood Symphony, the Topanga Philharmonic, the West Hollywood Orchestra, the Dalhousie University Chorus in Halifax, Nova Scotia, and the Kenai Peninsula Orchestra in Alaska, and the CAIS Honors String Orchestra, the Santa Monica Symphony and the Debut Orchestra of the Young Musicians Foundation. He was also the conductor of the South Coast Reading Orchestra in Santa Barbara for four seasons. With the Nevada State Opera, he has conducted performances of Don Giovanni and Carmen. In 2001, he made his European conducting debut with the Pleven Philharmonic, in Bulgaria. He was music director of the Los Alamos Symphony Orchestra in New Mexico from 2011 to 2013.

Dr. Shulman is Chair, Music Advisory Board - Young Musicians Foundation and serves regularly as a judge for scholarship and musical competitions for YMF, the Westside Music Foundation, and local branches of the Music Teachers Association of California. In 2012, he toured with the Debut Orchestra on an extensive trip to China.   Along with an extensive career with the Southern California Permanente Medical Group, he has participated in surgical missions to Africa, Latin America, Oceania, the Philippines, Mongolia, and Nepal.  He currently is a Voluntary Assistant Clinical Professor of Surgery at the University of California-Los Angeles, where he delights in teaching the next generation of physicians at the David Geffen School of Medicine.