莫斯博士生長於美國西雅圖的莫斯博士於美國華盛頓大學修畢音樂系學士,跟從蒂莫西.薩爾茲曼學習指揮,及隨阿瑟.格羅斯曼學習巴松管演奏。早期於西雅圖等地的中學樂團任教巴松管及私人授課6年。隨後於美國科羅拉多州大學修讀管樂指揮碩士,繼而深造音樂教育及巴松管演奏博士,師從肯尼思.辛格頓、理查德.梅恩 及查理斯.漢森教授。在學期間活躍於巴松管演奏舞台,曾獲邀為美國華盛頓及德州等多個州份的中學客席指揮。
Dr. Emily Moss is the Director of Bands and Director of Instrumental Music Education for the Department of Music, Theatre and Dance at California State University, Los Angeles. Her duties include direction of the Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band, teaching undergraduate and graduate conducting, and instruction in instrumental music education methods. Her previous appointment (2008-2011) was at the Conservatory of Music at Brooklyn College of the City University of New York where she served as Director of the Conservatory Wind Ensemble and Coordinator of Music Education.
Originally from Seattle, WA, Dr. Moss earned her Bachelors’ degrees in music and music education at the University of Washington, studying conducting with Timothy Salzman and bassoon performance with Arthur Grossman. She taught middle school band and private bassoon lessons in Chandler, AZ and Seattle, WA for six years where her bands received honors and awards from regional and state festivals. While serving as a teaching assistant with the University bands at the University of Northern Colorado, she earned her Master’s degree in Wind Conducting and the Doctor of Arts in Music Education and Bassoon Performance, studying with Kenneth Singleton, Richard Mayne and Charles Hansen.
As a conductor and clinician, Dr. Moss has been invited to guest conduct at middle schools, high schools and universities in Washington, Arizona, Colorado, Texas and California and regularly gives band clinics throughout Southern California. She is also an accomplished bassoonist, actively performing during her degree programs in Washington and Colorado, with the Conservatory Orchestra and other ensembles at Brooklyn College, and for faculty recitals at Cal State L.A.
Dr. Moss is passionate about music education and effective teaching. As a member of the Advisory Board of the Center for Effective Teaching and Learning (CETL) at Cal State L.A., she is actively involved in exploring and finding ways to improve student learning. She was recently awarded a planning grant from the Lipton/Modarres Fellowship for Excellence in Teaching and Learning to develop a Pre-Service Teaching component within the B.M. in Music Education program at CSULA. She can be seen presenting at conferences across the United States on topics ranging from effective rehearsing and good ensemble tone to practical tips for non-percussionist band directors. Her professional memberships include College Band Directors National Association (CBDNA), National Association for Music Educators (NAfME), California Band Directors Association (CBDA), National Band Association (NBA), and the National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi. Dr. Moss judges for the Hong Kong International Music Festival for two terms in 2017 and 2019