美籍華裔、屢獲殊榮的作曲家胡經矩,是美國丹尼森大學音樂系主任及教授,其音樂創作在美國及全世界享負盛名。曾受任爲MacDowell藝術殖民地的Aaron Copland研究員,Piccolo Spoleto藝術節的作曲家,客座作曲家。他還參加過保加利亞索非亞舉辦的「美國音樂周音樂節」,也在無數音樂比賽獲奬,包括2018年美國室內音樂獎,第二屆年度 ‘Secret Opera’ 歌劇比賽、「十五分鐘名人大賽」 (Fifteen Minutes of Fame),以及ERM Media的“新紀元大師”CD系列。他的小提琴協奏曲第3號:Water Spirit獲得了美國獎的「特殊協奏曲」。他曾在全球各地音樂節演出,包括莫斯科的Alternativa音樂節,倫敦的Wigmore音樂廳,芝加哥交響樂中心的管弦樂音樂廳和John F. Kennedy表演藝術中心。他曾在MacDowell Colony,Yaddo,Millay Banff,Ragdale,弗吉尼亞創意藝術中心和Brush Creek藝術家殖民地擔任組合研究員。
胡氏生於美國愛荷華州愛荷華市,曾修讀耶魯大學、德國弗賴堡的弗萊堡音樂學院、愛荷華大學和密歇根大學。 他也是鋼琴家和指揮家,並為數部獲獎短片編寫樂譜。 近期作品項目包括Charlie Chaplin的1925年版The Gold Rush for Symphony orchestra的現場配樂以及獲奬電影《Loose》配樂,等等。胡經矩曾於2017年來港,擔任第四屆香港國際音樂節評委。
Ching-chu Hu is an award-winning composer whose music has been performed nationally and internationally. Ching-chu Hu is the Chair of the Music Department and Professor of Music at Denison University.Honors include being named the Aaron Copland Fellow at the MacDowell Colony for the Arts, composer-in-residence at the Piccolo Spoleto Festival, guest composer at the American Music Week Festival in Sofia, Bulgaria, and winner of various competitions, including the 2018 American Prize for Chamber Music, the 2nd Annual Secret Opera competition, Fifteen Minutes of Fame Competition, and inclusion on ERM Media’s “Masterworks of the New Era” CD series. His Violin Concerto No. 3: Water Spirit received the citation “Exceptional Concerto” from the American Prize. He has received performances at international festivals and venues, including the Alternativa Festival (Center “DOM”) in Moscow, London’s Wigmore Hall, Chicago Symphony Center’s Orchestra Hall and the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. He has been a composition Fellow at the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Millay Banff, Ragdale, Virginia Center for the Creative Arts, and Brush Creek artist colonies.
Born in Iowa City, Iowa, Ching-chu Hu studied at Yale University, Freiburg Musikhochschule in Freiburg, Germany, The University of Iowa, and the University of Michigan. He is active as a pianist and conductor, and wrote the scores for several short award-winning films. Recent projects include a live soundtrack to Charlie Chaplin’s 1925 version of The Gold Rush for symphony orchestra and soundtrack to Loose Film’s award-winning Among Other Things.
Ching-chu Hu has been judging for the Hong Kong International Music Festival in 2017 and 2019.