她在義大利和國外的著名歌劇院和傳統劇院演唱了30多個不同的歌劇中的角色。除了歌劇和戲劇活動外,她熱衷獨唱音樂會和室內聲樂演唱,她曾在維羅納的費拉明哥劇院和米蘭的斯卡拉大劇院演唱布拉姆斯的《德意志安魂曲》,在熱那亞的卡洛·費利切劇院演唱柏遼茲的《夏夜之歌》,在聖西利亞音樂學院演唱巴赫的《尊主頌》,在帕爾馬大教堂與托斯卡納管弦樂團合作演唱門德爾松的《頌贊曲(門德爾松第二交響曲)》等。她曾與最著名的指揮家合作,在他們的指揮下演唱。她還爲Decca Arkiv,Chandos,Dynamics,Bongiovanni和Arte等衆多廠牌錄製了大量的唱片。
安娜.基耶裡凱蒂在米蘭音樂學院完成了她的音樂學習,並且以優異成績從演唱和室內聲樂專業畢業。之後她接受 雷納塔.史科朵(Renata Scotto),魯道夫.徹雷迪(Rodolfo Celletti),萊拉.根斯爾(Leyla Gencer),艾莉.艾默玲(Elly Ameling),塞拉菲娜.圖齊(Serafina Tuzzi),埃利奧.巴塔利亞(Elio Battaglia)的指導提升造詣。
Soprano Anna Chierichetti started her career on the international arena at a young age. in the past 20 years, she made a performance on some of the most important stages and concert halls in Italy and Europe. In 1995, at the age of 19, she won the permanent seat of the La Scala choir by singing the role of Adina in Donizetti's "Love Spirit" at the Italian Solo Music Association Competition in Milan.
In her professional career, she has performed more than 30 roles in different operas in Italy and some traditionally international theaters. In addition to opera and theatre activities, she has always been passionate about solo concerts and indoor vocal performances. She has performed Brahms's Requiem in the Framing Theatre in Verona and the La Scala in Milan, "Singing the song of Summer Night" at the Carlo Felice Theatre in Genoa, Bach's "The Lord" at the San Silla Conservatory, at the Cathedral of Parma and the Tuscan Orchestra Co-singing Mendelssohn's "Zan Zan Qu (Mendelssohn Second Symphony)" and so on. She has worked with the most famous conductors and sang with their command. She has also recorded for many brands such as Decca Arkin, Chandios, Dynamics, Bongiovanni and Rate.
Anna Chiari Katie completed her music studies in Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di MILANO and graduated from the major of singing and indoor vocal music with excellent results. After that, she made further learning from Scotto, Rodolfo Collette, Leyla Gender,Elly Ambling, Serafina Tazi, and Elio Battaglia to improve her professional skills.
Anna Chierichetti founded the Pauline Valdo Cultural Association four years ago. The idea was derived from famous singers and mentors. Additionally, the project of singing teaching through master class has been put forward and realized. The association can provide performance opportunities to young singers and direct the compass azimuth music festivals.
Since November 2018, Anna Chierichetti has begun teaching classical singing at the music institute in Claudio, Switzerland. In 2019, Anna is invited to the 6th Hong Kong International Music Festival to be the Vice Jury Chair for its Professional Vocal Competition segment ‘the 23rd Giacomo Puccini International Vocal Competition. In addition to adjudication and masterclass teaching, Anna also presented herself for the HKIMF Vocal and Orchestral performance.